Development of Global Environmental Materials
by Surface/Interface Engineering

Our laboratory join the Tokyo Institute of Technology International Graduate Program (A).

Our research group has been introduced in Youtube.
The introduction video with english subtitles can be seen as below.

【2024.06.21】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2024 was updated.
【2024.05.28】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2024 was updated.
【2024.05.15】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2024 was updated.
【2024.03.01】Mr. Kiribayashi's paper published in the Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan has been selected for the JCS-Japan Best Paper Award for 2023.
【2024.02.07】Ms. Mone Hemmi, a first-year master's student, won the Best Presentation Award of the International Session at the 62nd Symposium on Basic Science of Ceramics.
【2024.02.01】Bei's research findings have been published in Resources, Conservation and Recycling.
【2024.01.12】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2024 was updated.
【2023.11.15】Mr. Kazuya Abe, a second-year master's student, won the Excellent Presentation Award at the 96th Meeting of Japan Society of Colour Material.
【2023.10.01】Professor Akira Nakashima, who spoke at the 30th UK Science Experiment Course, had his comments featured in the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper.
【2023.09.15】Ms. Kaede Nagamatsu, a second-year master's student, won the Best Poster Presentation Award at the 36th Autumn Symposium of the Ceramic Society of Japan in the Specific Session on Advanced Structural Science and Analytical Techniques.
【2023.09.15】 Mr. Hiroki Koiso, a first-year master's student, won the Excellent Presentation Award at the 36th Autumn Symposium of the Ceramic Society of Japan in the Specific Session on Advanced Structural Science and Analytical Techniques. Mr. Riku Nakane, also a first-year master's student, won the Encouragement Award at the 36th Autumn Symposium of the Ceramic Society of Japan in the Specific Session on the Cutting-edge of Next-generation Environmental-related Ceramic Materials.
【2023.09.04】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2023 was updated.
【2023.08.07】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2023 was updated.
【2023.06.15】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2023 was updated.
【2023.06.09】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2023 was updated.
【2023.05.19】Dr. Hirokazu Sasaki, a graduate of our laboratory, received the Richard M. Fulrath Awards from The American Ceramic Society
【2023.05.02】Mr. Ryuju Kiribayashi's research paper was selected for the cover of the May 2023 issue of J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.
【2023.04.10】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2023 was updated.
【2023.03.22】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2023 was updated.
【2023.03.14】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2023 was updated.
【2023.03.07】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2023 was updated.
【2023.02.27】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2023 was updated.
【2023.02.20】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2023 was updated.
【2023.02.15】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2023 was updated.
【2023.02.06】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2022 was updated.
【2023.01.25】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2023 was updated.
【2023.01.09】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2023 was updated.
【2022.10.28】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2022 was updated.
【2022.09.29】Our research on Semiconductor-Sensitized Thermal Cell was introduced in Top Researchers on 27th September in 2022(in Japanese)
【2022.09.08】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2022 was updated.
【2022.08.31】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2022 was updated.
【2022.07.07】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2022 was updated.
【2022.06.09】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2022 was updated.
【2022.06.02】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2022 was updated.
【2022.05.27】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2022 was updated.
【2022.05.19】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2022 was updated.
【2022.03.25】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2022 was updated.
【2022.03.23】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2022 was updated.
【2022.03.18】Ms.Kato's research paper published in Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan was selected as Award of the Outstanding Papers Published in the JCS-japan in 2021.
【2022.03.18】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2022 was updated.
【2022.03.12】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2022 was updated.
【2022.02.04】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2022 was updated.
【2022.01.31】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2022 was updated.
【2022.01.31】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2021 was stored in ACCOMPLISHMENT 2021.
【2021.12.27】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2021 was updated.
【2021.12.13】Our research was introduced in The chemicaldaily on 13th December in 2021(in Japanese)
【2021.10.28】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2021 was updated.
【2021.10.11】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2021 was updated.
【2021.10.01】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2021 was updated.
【2021.10.01】Ms.Kato's research paper was selected for the cove of the October of "Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan".
【2021.08.27】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2021 was updated.
【2021.08.09】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2021 was updated.
【2021.07.30】Our antiviral materials have been introduced in MEDICAL NEWS LINE which is broadcasting on medical specializes journal MedPeer , and Prof. Nakajima was presented.
【2021.07.30】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2021 was updated.
【2021.07.15】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2021 was updated.
【2021.06.24】Mr. Sato won the best presentation award in "2021 3rd Symposium on Ceramic Resources and Environmental Materials Division", The Ceramic Society of Japan.
【2021.06.21】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2021 was updated.
【2021.05.27】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2021 was updated.
【2021.04.28】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2021 was updated.
【2021.04.08】Top-cover picture of our group members was updated.
【2021.04.01】Dr. Yasuhide Mochizuki has been newly appointed as an assistant professor to our group.
【2021.03.05】Our research about antiviral material was press released.
【2021.03.05】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2021 was updated.
【2021.02.08】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2021 was updated.
【2021.01.02】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2021 was newly established.
【2021.01.02】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2020 was stored in ACCOMPLISHMENT 2020.
【2020.12.21】Our research about antibacterial and antiviral materials was introduced in Yano E plus (December 2020, No. 153, page 70-73) published by Yano Research Institute.
【2020.12.03】Our research about antiviral materials was selected for "Tokyo Tech New Normal Research Map".
【2020.11.21】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2020
【2020.11.02】Mr.Kano's reserch paper was selected for the cover of the November number of "Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan".
【2020.10.28】Top picture was updated.
【2020.10.20】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2020
【2020.10.19】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2020
【2020.10.07】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2020
【2020.10.06】Dr. Sachiko Matsushita won the award in The 1st Eco-Tech Grand Prix.
【2020.10.01】ACCOMPLISHMENT 2020


[23-May-2022] Our research was introduced in Esse-sense(in Japanese)
[13-Dec.-2021] Our research was introduced in The chemicaldaily on 13th December in 2021(in Japanese)
[21-Jun.-2021] Our research was introduced in The Nikkei electronics(in Japanese)
[23-Aug.-2020] Our research was introduced in The Sankei news (in Japanese)

Press Release

[18-DEC-2020]Novel crystalline oxide may solve the problem of overheating in composite materials (Link to EurekAlert! Science News Releases by AAAS)。


The negative thermal expansion material was introduced on the official Youtube of Tokyo Tech.


Living in a world with COVID-19
Tech Tech29号(東工大広報)


R. Kiribayashi and Y. Honda won the outstanding award and S. Ito and D. Nagai won the incentive award in The 21th Joint Research Conference on Inorganic Materials.

Assoc. Prof. T. Isobe was awarded The 21st Japan Button Grand Prize Contest Excellence Award with Dr. S. Yasui, Dr. H. Yoshikawa, and Ms. Y. Koga.

Assist. Prof. Y. Mochizuki was awarded Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award in 2023.

H. Koiso has won Outstanding Poster Award in the 2023 Annual Meeting of Ceramic Society of Japan.

Assoc. Prof. T. Isobe, Y. Hayakawa, Y. Adachi, and R. Uehara were awarded Seiichi Tejima Memorial Research Award (Invention Award) in 2022.

Assist. Prof. Y. Mochizuki has won Award for Encouragement of Researchin the 32nd Annual Meeting of MRS-J Symposium.

Assoc. Prof. T. Isobe and Ms. N. Kobayashi were awarded Best Oral Presentation Award in 95th JSCM Anniversary Conference.

Prof. A. Nakajima and Assoc. Prof. T. Isobe were awarded The 44th Japan Society of Color Material Award (Technical Award) with Dr. K. Sunada, Dr. H. Ishiguro, and Dr. T. Nagai.

Assist. Prof. Y. Mochizuki was received Seiichi Tejima Memorial Research Award (Doctoral Thesis Award) in 2021.

Assist. Prof. Y. Mochizuki won Young Researcher Award Silver Prize in the international conference IUMRS-ICYRAM 2022.

C. Kato won Outstanding Paper Award in 2021 from JCS-Japan.

Lab Tour

Our research group is open for lab tour during Open Campus of Tokyo Tech and Kodaisai (School festival of Tokyo Tech). See the web page of Open Campus of Tokyo Tech (undergraduate course and graduate course) or the web page of Kodaisai for the detail.