
研究論文/ 国際会議報告/ 特許/ 総説・解説・著書/

  1. "Calculation of Metastable Immiscibility Region in the Al2O3-SiO2 System Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation"
    T. TAKEI, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and K. OKADA, J. Mater. Res., 15, 186 - 193 (2000)

  2. "Sol-Gel Synthesis of YAG/Alumina Long Fibers from Water Solvent Systems"
    K. OKADA, T. MOTOHASHI, Y. KAMESHIMA and A. YASUMORI, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 20, 561 - 567 (2000)

  3. "Concentration Effect of Cs+ Additive on g-Al2O3-to-a-Al2O3 Phase Transitions"
    K. OKADA, A. HATTORI, Y. KAMESHIMA and A. YASUMORI, Mater. Lett., 42, 175 - 178 (2000)

  4. "Thermal Stability of Coprecipitated Al2O3-SiO2 Xerogels Prepared from Aluminium Nitrate Nonahydrate and Tetraethylorthosilicate"
    K. OKADA, T. TOMITA, Y. KAMESHIMA and A. YASUMORI, J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 108, 122 - 127 (2000)

  5. "Slip Casting of Alumina Powder Mixtures with Bimodal Size Distribution -Influence of Particle Size Difference between Fine and Coarse Powders on Packing and Consolidation Process-"
    S. TARUTA, Y. SAKURAI, N. TAKUSAGAWA, K. OKADA and N. OTSUKA, J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 108, 254 - 260 (2000)

  6. "Effects of Divalent Cation Additives on the g-Al2O3-to-a-Al2O3 Phase Transition"
    K. OKADA, A. HATTORI, T. TANIGUCHI, A. NUKUI and R. N. DAS, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 83, 928 - 932 (2000)

  7. "Effects of Monovalent Cation Additives on g-Al2O3-to-a-Al2O3 Phase Transitions"
    K. OKADA, A. HATTORI, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and R. N. DAS, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 83, 1233 - 1236 (2000)

  8. "Comparative study of Mechanochemical Preparation of Aluminosilicate Precursors from Various Aluminium Hydroxides and Amorphous Silica"
    J. TEMUUJIN, K. OKADA, K. J. D. MACKENZIE and J. AMGALAN Brit.Ceram.Trans., 99, 23 - 25 (2000)

  9. "Preparation of CaSiO3 Whisker from Alkaline Halide Fluxes"
    S. HAYASHI, M. SUGAI, Z. NAKAGAWA, T. TAKEI, K. KAWASAKI, T. KATSUYAMA, A. YASUMORI and K. OKADA J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 20, 1099 - 1103 (2000)

  10. "In-Situ Zeolite X Coating on Glass Fibers by Soft Solution-Process"
    K. OKADA, K. KUBOYAMA, T. TAKEI, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and M. YOSHIMUA, Microp. Mesop. Mater., 37, 99 - 105 (2000)

  11. "Effect of Preparation Conditions on Porous Properties of Coprecipitated Al2O3-SiO2 Xerogels Prepared from Aluminium Nitrate Nonahydrate and Tetraethylorthosilicate"
    K. OKADA, T. TOMITA, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and K. J. D. MACKENZIE, Microp. Mesop. Mater., 37, 355-364(2000)

  12. "Influence of Preparation Conditions on the Microstructure and Bioactivity of a-CaSiO3 Ceramics: Formation of Hydroxyapatite in Simulated Body Fluid"
    P. SIRIPHANNON,Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI,K. OKADA and S. HAYASHI, J. Biomed. Mater. Res. , 52, 32 - 39 (2000)

  13. "Influence of Processing Medium on Retention of Specific Surface Area of Gamma-Alumina at Elevated Temperature"
    R. Nath DAS, A. HATTORI and K. OKADA, Appl. Catal., B562, 1 - 8 (2000)

  14. "沖縄産クチャ粘土/アルミナ混合粉体の射出成形とその焼成体の機械的性質"
    福本 功,岡田 清,与座範弘, J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 108, 763 - 768 (2000)

  15. "XPS and X-ray AES (XAES) Study of Various Aluminate Compounds"
    Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and K. OKADA, J. Surf. Sci. Soc. Japan,, 21, 481 - 487 (2000)

  16. "Morphology Control of Phase-Separation Texture by Elongation of Two-Liquids Immiscible Melt in Fe3O4-SiO2 System"
    A. YASUMORI, A. KOIKE, Y. KAMESHIMA, K. OKADA and S. INOUE, J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 108, 813 - 817 (2000)

  17. "Uptake of Various Cations by Imperfectly Ordered KAlSiO4 Prepared by Solid-State Reaction of Kaolinite and K2CO3"
    K. OKADA, Masaaki NEMOTO, Y. KAMESHIMA and A. YASUMORI, J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 108, 898 - 903 (2000)

  18. "Characterization of the State of Ni2+ in Ni-exchanged KAlSiO4 by XPS, XRF, XRD, EXAFS and NMR"
    K. OKADA, M. NEMOTO, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI, Y. MATSUSHIMA and K. J. D. MACKENZIE J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 108, 989 - 992 (2000)

  19. "選択溶解法で調製したメソポア多孔質材料による焼成体の作製とその水蒸気吸着特性(2)"
    前田雅喜, 王 新江, 渡村信冶, 大橋文彦, 鈴木正哉, 岡田 清, J.Ceram. Soc. Japan, 108, 1024 - 1029 (2000)

  20. "Magneto-Optical Properties of Silica Gel Containing Magnetic Fine Particles"
    A. YASUMORI, Hiroshi MATSUMOTO, S. HAYASHI and K. OKADA, J. Sol-Gel Sci. Tech., 18, 249 - 258 (2000)

  21. "Morphology Control of Phase-Separation Texture by Elongation of Two-Liquids Immiscible Melt in Fe3O4-SiO2 System "
    A. YASUMORI, A. KOIKE, Y. KAMESHIMA, K. OKADA and S. INOUE, J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 108, 813 - 817 (2000)

  22. "Magnetooptical Property of Sodium Borosilicate Gel-Glass Containing Bi-YIG Fine Particles"
    A. YASUMORI, Tomokazu KATSUYAMA, Y. KAMESHIMA and K. OKADA, J.Sol-Gel Sci. Tech., 19, 813 - 817 (2000)

  1. "Selective Leaching for the Preparation of Functional Porous Ceramics"
    K. OKADA, Int. J. Soc. Mater. Eng. Res. , 8, 50 - 54 (2000)

  1. 「ゼオライト膜被覆基体の製造方法,およびゼオライト含有基体の製造方法」
    発明者 岡田清, 安盛敦雄, 亀島欣一, C. D. Madhusoodana, R. N. Das
    特願 2000-349750

  2. 「層状複水酸化物-アルミナシリカゲル複合体およびその製造方法,並びに吸着剤」
    発明者 岡田清, 安盛敦雄, 亀島欣一, 金田淳志
    特願 2000-357935

  1. "東京工業大学大学院理工学研究科材料工学専攻無機環境材料地球環境材料研究室"
    岡田清, Posphorus Letters, 37, 36 - 37 (2000)

  2. "材料科学入門"(分担)
    岡田清, 朝倉書店 (2000)

  3. "粘土科学への招待-粘土の素顔と魅力-"(分担)
    岡田清, 三共出版 (2000)

