
研究論文/ 国際会議報告/ 特許/ 総説・解説・著書/

  1. "Preparation and Properties of Potassium Aluminosilicate Prepared from the Waste Solution of Selectively Leached Calcined Kaolinite"
    J. TEMUUJIN, K. OKADA and K. J. D. MACKENZIE, Appl. Clay Sci., 21, 125 - 131 (2002)

  2. "Zeolite Formation by Hydrothermal Treatment of Waste Solution from Selectively Leached Kaolinite"
    J. TEMUUJIN, K. OKADA and K. J. D. MACKENZIE, Mater. Lett., 52, 91 - 95 (2002)

  3. "Effect of Germanium oxide (GeO2) Additive on the Anatase-to-Rutile Phase Transition"
    K. OKADA, K. KATSUMATA, Y. KAMESHIMA and A. YASUMORI, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 85, 2078 - 2082 (2002)

  4. "Evaluation of Thermal Shock Resistance of Cordierite Honeycombs"
    R. N. DAS, C. D. MADHUSOODANA, P. K. PANDA and K. OKADA, Bull. Mater. Sci., 25, 127 - 132 (2002)

  5. "Acidic and Basic Gas Adsorption Properties in Composites of Layered Double Hydroxide/Aluminosilicate Xerogels"
    K. OKADA, A. KANEDA, Y. KAMESHIMA and A. YASUMORI, Mater. Res. Bull., 37, 209 - 219 (2002)

  6. "Comparative Study of the Formation of Hydroxyapatite in Simulated Body Fluid under Static and Flowing Systems"
    P. SIRIPHANNON, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI, K. OKADA and S. HAYASHI, J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 60, 175 - 185 (2002)

  7. "Formation of Hydroxyapatite on CaSiO3 Powders in Simulated Body Fluid"
    P. SIRIPHANNON, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI, K. OKADA and S. HAYASHI, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 22, 511 - 520 (2002)

  8. "Effect of Crystallite Size on the Thermal Phase Change and Porous Properties of Boehmite"
    K. OKADA, T. NAGASHIMA, Y. KAMESHIMA and A. YASUMORI, J. Coolid Sci. Interf., 248, 111 - 115 (2002)

  9. "Relationships between Formation Conditions, Properties and Crystallite Sizes of Boehmite"
    K. OKADA, T. NAGASHIMA, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and T. TSUKADA, J. Coolid Sci. Interf., 253, 308 - 314 (2002)

  10. "Preparation and Porous Properties of Materials Prepared by Selective Leaching of Phlogopite"
    K. OKADA, N. NAKAZAWA, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI, J. TEMUUJIN, K. J. D. MACKENZIE and M. E. SMITH, Clays Clay Miner., 50, 623 - 631 (2002)

  11. "AlOOH-Al2O3系多孔質材料の水蒸気吸着特性"
    前田雅喜, 鈴木正哉, 大橋文彦, 犬飼恵一, 渡村信冶, 芝崎靖雄, 相川和夫, 岡田清, J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 110, 118 - 120 (2002)

  12. "選択溶解法で調製したメソポア多孔質材料による焼成体の作製とその調湿機能"
    前田雅喜, 鈴木 慎, 渡村信冶, 大橋文彦, 木村辰雄, 岡田 清, J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 110, 121 - 125 (2002)

  13. "Low-Pressure Deposition of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Films by MOCVD at Low-Temperature; Trans."
    G. ASANO, T. OIKAWA, K. TOKITA, K. OKADA and H. FUNAKUBO, Mater. Res. Soc. Japan, 27, 223 - 226 (2002)

  14. "Magnetic Anisotropy of Phase-Separated CaO-Fe3O4-SiO2 Glasses Prepared from a Two-Liquid Immiscible Melt"
    A. YASUMORI, A. KOIKE, Y. KAMESHIMA, K. OKADA and H. NISHIO, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 297, 239 - 246 (2002)

  15. "Rheological Studies on Cordierite Honeycomb Extrusion "
    R. N. DAS, C. D. MADHUSOODANA and K. OKADA, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 22, 2893 - 2900 (2002)

  16. "Evaluation of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Ceramic Honeycomb Substrates for Long Term Durability"
    R. N. DAS, C. D. MADHUSOODANA and K. OKADA, Trans. Indian Ceram. Soc., , in press

  17. "Effect of Grinding on the Preparation of Porous Material from Talc by Selective Leaching"
    J. TEMUUJIN, K. OKADA, Ts. JADAMBAA, K. J. D. MACKENZIE and J. AMARSANAA, J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 21, 1607 - 1609 (2002)

  1. "Hydroxyapatite Formation on CaSiO3 Ceramics in Protein Containing System"
    K. OKADA, P. SIRIPHANNON, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and S. HAYASHI, Key Eng Mater. (Proceeding of 7th European Ceramic Society), 206-213, 1551 - 1554 (2002)

  2. "Porous Properties of Polymeric Al2O3-SiO2 Xerogels"
    K. OKADA, J. KANEDA, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and K. J. D. MACKENZIE, Key. Eng. Mat. (Proceeding of 7th European Ceramic Society), 206-213, 1945-1948(2002)

  3. "Effect of Preparation Conditions of CaO-SiO2 Ceramics on its Bioactivity"
    Y. IIMORI, P. SIRIPHANNON, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI, K. OKADA and S. HAYASHI, Abst. of Int. Symp. Bio-Integrated Mater. and Tissue Eng., 82 - 83 (2002)

  4. "Wide Process Window of Low-Temperature-Deposited Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Films by Pulsed-MOCVD"
    G. ASANO, T. OIKAWA, K. OKADA and H. FUNAKUBO, Abstract Book of Int. Joint Conf. on the Appl. of Ferroelectr., 138 (2002)

  1. 「アルミノシリケート非晶質体およびその製造方法,並びに,重金属イオン除去材料」
    発明者 岡田清, 安盛敦雄, 亀島欣一, 渡邊渚, 特願2002-214305

  1. "選択溶解法による多孔質ナノ組織の形成と特徴"
    岡田清, 工業材料, 50, 23 - 26 (2002)

  2. "角川日本陶磁大辞典"(分担)
    岡田清, 角川書店 (2002)

  3. "セラミック工学ハンドブック第2版"(編・分担)
    岡田清, 技報堂出版 (2002)

