Bio-inspired highly hydrophobic surface with ecdysis behavior using an organic monolithic resin and titanium dioxide photocatalyst
M. Sakai, T. Kato, N. Ishizuka, T. Isobe, A. Nakajima, A. Fujishima
J. Sol-gel. Sci. Tech, 77, 257-265 (2016).
Surface Modification of Porous Alumina Filters for CO2 Separation using Silane Coupling Agents
T. Takahashi, R. Tanimoto, T. Isobe, S. Matsushita, A. Nakajima
J. Membrane Sci., 497, 216-220 (2016)
Calculation and Fabrication of Two-dimensional Complete Photonic Bandgap Structures composed of Rutile TiO2 Single Crystals in Air/Liquid
S. Matsushita, A. Matsutani, Y. Morii, D. Kobayashi, K. Nishioka, D. Shoji, M. Sato, T. Tatsuma, T. Sannomiya, T. Isobe, A. Nakajima
J. Mater. Sci., 51, 1066-1073 (2016).
Metal nanostructures fabricated by the difference of interfacial energy at a dielectric/metal interface
T.Tatsuno, T.Okamoto, T.Ezaki, T.Isobe, A.Nakajima, S.Matsushita
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 89, 369-374 (2016).
Hole-size tuning and sensing performance of hexagonal plasmonic nanohole arrays
T.Ohno, C.Wadell, J.Shi, Y.Nakamura, S.Matsushita, T.Sannomiya
Optical Materials Express, 6(5), 1594-1603.
Comparative study on visible light photocatalytic activity of Fe-modified TiO2 powders
N. Jiraborvornpongsa, T. Isobe, S. Matsushita, A. Nakajima
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 124[7], 781-786 (2016).
Synthesis of Li2FeSiO4 nanoparticles / carbon composite for cathode materials by spray pyrolysis method
H. Sasaki, A. Nemoto, M. Miyahara, S. Katayama, Y. Akimoto, A. Nakajima, S. Hirano
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 124[9], 1-4 (2016).
Decomposition of 2-naphthol in water by TiO2 modified with MnOx and CeOy
M. Shiohara, T. Isobe, S. Matsushita, A. Nakajima
Mater. Chem. Phys., 183, 37-43 (2016).
Preparation and properties of Zr2MoP2O12 ceramics with negative thermal expansion
T. Isobe, N. Hotsuki, Y. Hayakawa, S. Matsushita, A. Nakajima
Materials and Design, 112, 11-16 (2016).
MRS 2016 fall meeting, 27th November - 2nd December, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- “Kelvin Probe Force Microscopic Images on Gold Nanodisks with and without Light Irradiation”
T. Ezaki, A. Matsutani, K. Nishioka, D. Shoji, M. Sato, T. Okamoto, T. Isobe, A. Nakajima, S. Matsushita,
- “Decomposition of 2-naphthol in Water by TiO2 Modified with MnOx and CeOy”
M. Shiohara, T. Isobe, S. Matsushita, A. Nakajima
“TiO2 Periodic Structures Fabricated via Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches with a viewpoint of Photonic Crystal,”
Electrochemistry, 84, 681-687 (2016).(Award Review)
光化学, 47, 100-104 (2016)
酒井宗寿, 中島 章:
表面技術, 67[9], 467-472 (2016)
「界面の持つ機能に着目したナノ材料研究」平成28年度 電気化学会 女性躍進賞受賞(2016)
松下祥子 先生
第15回無機材料合同研究会 優秀賞受賞
第29回日本セラミックス協会秋季シンポジウム 優秀賞(環境材料セッション)