研究論文/ 国際会議報告/ 特許/ 総説・解説・著書/ 受賞/
"Preparation and Properties of Glass-Ceramics from Wates (Kira) of Silica Sand and Kaolin",
T. Toya, Y. Kameshima, A. Yasumori and K. Okada
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 24, 2367 - 2372 (2004)
- "Nanoporous Inorganic Materials from Mineral Templates"
K. J. D. Mackenzie, K. Okada and J. Temuujin
Current Appl. Phys., 4, 167 - 170 (2004)
- "Glass-Ceramics Prepared from Mixtures of Waste (Kira) and Dolomite"
T. Toya, Y. Tamura, Y. Kameshima and K. Okada
Ceram. Int.,30, 983 - 989 (2004)
- "Effect of Solid/Solution Ratio on Apatite Formation From CaSiO3 Ceramics in Simulated Body Fluid"
Y. Iimori, Y. Kameshima, A. Yasumori and K. Okada
J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Med., 15, 1247-1253 (2004)
- "A Novel Preparation Method for Foamed Silica Ceramics by Sol-Gel Reaction and Mechanical Foaming"
T. Tomita, S. Kawasaki and K. Okada
J. Porous Mater., 11, 107 - 115 (2004)
- "Mechano-chemical Effect on Low Temperature Synthesis of AlN by Direct Nitridation Method"
Y. Kameshima, M. Irie, A. Yasumori and K. Okada
Solid State Ionics, 172, 185 - 190 (2004)
- "Low Temperature Synthesis of AlN by Addition of Various Li-salts"
Y. Kameshima, M. Irie, A. Yasumori and K. Okada
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 24, 3801 - 3806 (2004)
- "Preparation of Phase-Separated Textures and Crystalline Phases from Two-Liquid Immiscible Melts in the TiO2-SiO2 System"
K. Katsumata, Y. Kameshima, K. Okada and A. Yasumori
Mater. Res. Bull., 39, 1131 - 1139 (2004)
- "Ni2+ Uptake by Amorphous and Crystalline CaAl2SiO7 Synthesized by Solid-State Reaction of Kaolinite"
V. K. Jha, Y. Kameshima, K. Okada and K. J. D. Mackenzie
Separ. Purif. Tech., 40, 209 - 215 (2004)
- "Elongation and Contraction of Water Droplet During Sliding on the Silicon Surface Treated by Fluoroalkylsilane"
S. Suzuki, A. Nakajima, Y. Kameshima and K. Okada
Surf. Sci., 557, L163 - L168 (2004)
- "Sonophotocatalytic Destruction of 1,4-Dioxane in Aqueous Systems by HF-Treated TiO2 Powder"
A. Nakajima, M. Tanaka, Y. Kameshima and K. Okada
J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem., 167, 75 - 79 (2004)
- "Hazardous Ions Uptake Behavior of Thermally Activated Steel-Making Slag"
V. K. Jha, Y. Kameshima, A. Nakajima and K. Okada,
J. Hazard. Mater., B114, 139 - 144 (2004)
- "Adhesion and Sliding of Wet Snow on a Super-hydrophobic Surface with Hydrophilic Channels "
T. Kako, A. Nakajima, H. Irie, Z. Kato, K. Uematsu, T. Watanabe and K. Hashimoto,
J. Mater. Sci., 39, 547 - 555 (2004)
- "Preparation and Reflectivity of Self-organized Nano-graded SiO2/TiO2/PMMA Thin Films"
K. Takami, A. Nakajima, T. Watanabe, and K. Hashimoto
J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 112, 138 - 142 (2004)
- "Processing and Properties of Transparent Super-Hydrophobic Polymer Film with Low Surface Electric Resistance"
M. Sasaki, N. Kieda, K. Katayama, K. Takeda, and A. Nakajima
J. Mater. Sci., 39, 3717 - 3722 (2004)
- "Comparison of Photochemical Properties of Brookite and Anatase TiO2 Films"
T. Shibara, H. Irie, M. Ohmori, A. Nakajima, T. Watanabe and K. Hashimoto
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 6, 1359 - 1362 (2004)
- "Design of Transparent Hydrophobic Coatings"
J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 112, 533 - 540 (2004)
- "Preparation and Water Droplet Sliding Properties of Transparent Hydrophobic Polymer Coating by Molecular Design for Self-Organization"
N. Yoshida, Y. Abe, H. Shigeta, K. Takami, H. Osaki, T. Watanabe, K. Hashimoto, and A. Nakajima
J. Sol-Gel Sci. Tech., 31, 195 - 199 (2004)
- "Properties of zeolite-coated honeycombs prepared by an in-situ crystallization method"
K. Okada, Y. Kameshima, C. D. Madhusoodana and R. N. Das,
Sci. Tech. Adv. Mater., 5, 479 - 484 (2004)
- "Effects of selective leaching of bismuth oxide sheets in triple-layered Aurivillius phases on their photocatalytic activities"
M. Kudo, S. Tsuzuki, K. Katsumata, A. Yasumori, and Y. Sugahara
Chem. Phys. Lett., 393, 12-16 (2004)
- "無機系廃棄物からの結晶化ガラスの作製とその特性"
廃棄物学会誌, 15, 175 - 181 (2004)
- "Crystallization Behavior of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 Glass Ceramics Prepared from Wastes of Glass and Clay Raw Materials (Kira)"
T. Toya, Y. Kameshima, A. Yasumori and K, Okada
Eng. Mater., 264 - 268, 1843 - 1846 (2004)
- "Comparative Study of Apatite Formation on CaSiO3 Ceramics Prepared by Glass Crystallization and Sintering Methods in Simulated Body Fluid"
Y. Iimori, Y. Kameshima, A. Yasumori and K. Okada
Key Eng. Mater., 264 - 268, 1965 - 1968 (2004)
- "Alumina Coating on Stainless Steel Wire Net by Electrophoretic Deposition and its Oxidation Resistance"
F. Hasegawa, Y. Kameshima, A. Nakajima and K. Okada
Trans. Mater. Res. Soc. Japan, 29, 2265 - 2268 (2004)
- "In-Situ Crystallization of Zeolite Films on Ceramic Honeycomb Substrates from Metakaolinite Precursors"
C. D. Madhusoodana, R. N. Das, Y. Kameshima and K. Okada
Trans. Mater. Res. Soc. Japan,, 29, 2293 - 2296 (2004)
- "Hydroxyapatite Formation on CaSiO3 Ceramics in Simulated Body Fluid"
K. Okada, P. Siriphannon, Y. Kameshima and S. Hayashi
Trans. Mater. Res. Soc. Japan, 29, 2891 - 2896 (2004)
- "Towards Sustainable Human Activity by Conversion of Wastes to Functional Ceramic Materials: A Case Study on Paper Waste "(Review paper)
K. Okada
J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 112, 1323 - 1328 (2004)
- "Preparation and Properties of Activated Carbon with Corrugated Structure" (Review paper)
K. Okada, Y. Shimizu, Y. Kameshima and A. Nakajima
Proc. 1st KMITL Int. Conf. On Integration of Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, 1, 39 - 42 (2004)
- "Comparison of Properties of Glass-Ceramics Prepared from Kira (Waste By-Products of Silica Sand and Kaolin Clay Refining) and Various Additives"
K. Okada, T. Toya, Y. Kameshima and A. Nakajima
Waste Manag., 2, 11 - 20 (2004)
- "Sorption Properties of Activated Carbon Prepared from Old Paper and Amorphous 2CaO.Al2O3.2SiO2 from Paper Sludge Ash"
K. Okada, V. K. Jha, Y. Kameshima, A. Nakajima and K. J. D. Mackenzie
Waste Manag., 2, 51 - 60 (2004)
- "Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Porous Alumina Ceramics with Oriented Pores by Extrusion Method"
T. Isobe, Y. Kameshima, A. Nakajima and K. Okada
- "Design of Transparent Hydrophobic Coatings"
A. Nakajima
ICOSFM (International Conference on Optoelectronics and Spectroscopy of Nano-Structured Thin Films and Materials), Proceedings 31 - 32 (2004)
- 「貫通孔を有するセラミックス多孔体の製造方法《
発明者 磯部敏宏, 岡田 清, 中島 章, 亀島欣一
出願者 (財)理工学振興会,出願番号 2004-076197, 出願日 2004年3月17日
- 「炭素物質およびその製造方法《
発明者 岡田 清, 中島 章, 亀島欣一, 清水雄一郎
出願者(財)理工学振興会, 出願番号 2004-244023 , 出願日 2004年8月24日
- 「ゼオライト被覆金属基材及びその製造方法《
発明者 駒林正士, 岡田 清
出願人 三菱マテリアル?,出願番号 2004-263811, 出願日 2004年9月10日
- 「γ*アルミナ多孔体の製造方法《
発明者・出願者 岡田 清
特許番号 3542632, 登録日 2004年4月9日(出願番号 平06-061349, 出願日 1994年3月30日)
- "資源的視点から見たセラミックスの原料*現状の問題点と今後への考え方*"
セラミックデータブック, テクノプラザ, 80 - 83 (2004)
- "機能性撥水コーティン・Oの科学と技術"
工業製品技術協会, 32, 165 - 167 (2004)
- "実験化学講座"(分担)
丸善 (2004)
- "有機、無機材料における】表面処理・改質の上手な方法とその評価"(分担)
第4章 [5] [6] 587 - 611, 技術情報協会 (2004)
- 日本セラミックス協会関東支部 優秀賞
- 第1回COE若手研究会 優秀賞
- 末松賞(成績優秀者)
- 窯業同窓会優秀卒業論文賞