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T. TAKEI, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI, K. OKADA, N. KUMADA and N. KINOMURA, J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 282, 265 - 77 (2001)
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- "Preparation of ZSM-5 Thin Film on Cordierite Honeycomb by Solid State In-Situ Crystallization"
C. D. MADHUSOODANA, R. N. DAS, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and K. OKADA, Microporous Mesoporous Mater., 46, 249 - 255 (2001)
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T. TAKEI, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and K. OKADA, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 21, 2487 - 2493 (2001)
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K. OKADA, N. YAMAMOTO, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and K. J. D. MACKENZIE, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 84, 1591 - 1596 (2001)
- "Photocatalytic and Photoelectrochemical Properties of TiO2-Based Multiple Layer Thin Film Prepared by Sol-Gel and Reactive-Sputtering Methods"
A. YASUMORI, H. SHINODA, Y. KAMESHIMA, S. HAYASHI and K. OKADA, J. Mater. Chem., 11, 1253 - 1257 (2001)
- "Characterization and Adsorption Behavior of ZSM-5 Zeolite Film on Cordierite Honeycombs Prepared by a Novel In-Situ Crystallization Method"
C. D. MADHUSOODANA, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and K. OKADA, J. Porous Mater., 8, 265 - 271 (2001)
- "Synthesis and Characterization of High Silica Zeolite using Microporous Silica Obtained from Kaolin"
C. D. MADHUSOODANA, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and K. OKADA Clay Science, 11, 369 - 380 (2001)
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J. TEMUUJIN, G. BURMAA, J. AMGALAN, K. OKADA, Ts. JADAMBAA and K. J. D. MACKENZIE, J. Porous Mater., 8, 233 - 238 (2001)
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Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and K. OKADA, Ceram. Trans.(Ceram. Proc. Sci. VI), 112, 145 - 150 (2001)
- "The Effect of Various Extrusion Parameters on Thermal Expansion Anisotropy in Cordierite Honeycombs"
C. D. MADHSOODANA, R. N. DAS, A. M. UMARJI and K. OKADA, Ceram. Trans.(Ceram. Proc. Sci. VI), 112, 539 - 544 (2001)
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C. D. MADHSOODANA, R. N. DAS and K. OKADA, Symp. Intern. Automotive Tech.(SIAT2001), 2001-01-0020, 273 - 278 (2001)
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