- "Preparation of Porous Silica from Vermiculite by Selective Leaching"
J. TEMUUJIN, K. OKADA and K. J. D. MACKENZIE, Appl. Clay Sci., 22, 87 - 195 (2003)
- "Mechanochemical Processing of Sialon Compositions"
K. J. D. MACKENZIE, J. TEMUUJIN, M. E. SMITH, K. OKADA and Y. KAMESHIMA, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 23, 1069 - 1082 (2003)
- "Effect of Grinding on the Leaching Behavior of Pyrophyllite"
J. TEMUUJIN, Kiyoshi OKADA, Ts.JADAMBAA, Kenneth J.D.MACKENZIE and J. AMARSANAAuo YASUMORI J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 23, 1277 - 1282 (2003)
- "Simultaneous Uptake of Ammonium and Phosphate Ions by Composites of Gamma-Alumina/ Potassium Aluminosilicate Gel"
K. OKADA, J. TEMUUJIN, Y. KAMESHIMA and K. J. D. MACKENZIE, Mater. Res. Bull., 38, 749 - 756 (2003)
- "Effect of Crystallite Size of Boehite on Sinterability of Alumina Ceramics"
K. OKADA, T. NAGASHIMA, Y. KAMESHIMA and A. YASUMORI, Ceram. Int., 29, 533 - 537 (2003)
- "Crystallization Kinetics of Mullite from Polymeric Al2O3-SiO2 Xerogels"
K. OKADA, J. KANEDA, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and T. TAKEI, Mater. Lett., 57, 3155 - 3159 (2003)
- "Preparation of Activated Carbon from Waste Newspaper by Chemical and Physical Activations"
K. OKADA, N. YAMAMOTO, Y. KAMESHIMA and A. YASUMORI, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 262, 179 - 193 (2003)
- "Uptake of Various Cations by Amorphous CaAl2Si2O8 Prepared by Solid-State Reaction of Kaolinite with CaCO3"
K. OKADA, N. WATANABE, K. V. JHA, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and K. J. D. MACKENZIE, J. Mater. Chem., 12, 550 - 556 (2003)
- "Effects of Grinding and Firing Conditions on CaAl2Si2O8 phase Formation by Solid-State Reaction of Kaolinite with CaCO3"
K. OKADA, N. WATANABE, K. V. JHA, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and K. J. D. MACKENZIE, Appl. Clay Sci., 23, 329 - 336 (2003)
- "Adsorption Properties of Activated Carbons Prepared from Waste Newspaper by Chemical And Physical Activation"
K. OKADA, N. YAMAMOTO, Y. KAMESHIMA and A. YASUMORI, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 262, 194 - 199 (2003)
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K. OKADA, H. ARAI, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and K. J. D. MACKENZIE Mater. Lett., 57, 3554 - 3559 (2003)
- "Preparation of Fiber-Reinforced Binderless Zeolite Disks in Solid State"
C. D. MADHUSOODANA, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and K. OKADA, J. Mater.Sci. Lett., 22, 553 - 556 (2003)
- "Design of a Photocatalyst for Bromate Decomposition: Surface Modification of TiO2 by Pesudo-boemite"
H. NOGUSHI, A. NAKAJIMA, T. WATANABE and K HASHIMOTO, Environmental Sci. and Tech., 37, 153 - 157 (2003)
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- "Decomposition of gas-phase octamethyltrisiloxane on TiO2 thin film photocatalysts-catalytic activity, deactivation and regeneration"
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- "Sliding Mode Transition of Water Droplet on the Silicon Surface Coated with Octadecyltrichlorosilane"
A. NAKAJIMA, S. SUZUKI, Y. KAMESHIMA, N. YOSHIDA, T. WATANABE and K. OKADA, Chem. Lett., 32, 1148 - 1149 (2003)
- "Electrophoretic Deposition of Alumina on Stainless Steel Wire Net"
A. KANEDA, F. HASEGAWA, Y. KAMESHIMA, A. YASUMORI and K. OKADA, Trans. Mater. Res. Soc. Japan, 28, 361 - 364 (2003)
- "Phase Formation from Calium Aluminosilicate Gels by Soft Hydrothermal Treatment"
V. K. JHA, Y. KAMESHIMA and K. OKADA, Trans. Mater. Res. Soc. Japan, 28, 397 - 400 (2003)
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