加藤 大道, Bei ZHANG, 藤井 学, 磯部 敏宏,
土木学会論文集 79 [25], 23-25039 (2023).
Multi-function adsorbent-photocatalyst MXene-TiO2 composites for removal of enrofloxacin antibiotic from water
S. Sukidpaneenid, C. Chawengkijwanich, C. Pokhum, T. Isobe, P. Opaprakasit, P. Sreearunothai,
J. Environ. Sci. 124, 414-428 (2023).
Preparation of amorphous carbon membranes synthesized via a glucose-solution hydrothermal method
Y. Nakamura, S. Matsushita, A. Nakajima, T. Isobe
Ceram. int. 49, 9932-9939 (2023).
Preparation of rare earth iodates and their decomposition activity on organic dyes and antibacterial/antiviral activities
K. Abe, K. Sunada, Y. Mochizuki, T. Isobe, S. Matsushita, T. Nagai, H. Ishiguro, A. Nakajima
Ceram. Int., 49, 14681-14688 (2023).
Processing of cerium molybdates by solid phase process and their antiviral activity
S. Iwakura, T. Ito, T. Sakai, K. Sunada, Y. Mochizuki, T. Isobe, S. Matsushita, T. Nagai, H. Ishiguro, A. Nakajima
J. Jpn. Soc. Colour Mater., 96[3], 96-103 (2023).
Effect of Surface Functionalization on the Moisture Stability and Sorption Properties of Porous Boron Nitride
A. L'Hermitte, H. Azzan, M. H. N. Yio, A. K. Rajagopalan, D. Danaci, T. Hirosawa, T. Isobe, C. Petit,
Microporous, Mesoporous Mater.352, 112478 (2023).
Effect of Magnetic Force on O2 Gas Transmission Rate for Porous Alumina
T. Isobe, S. Iijima, N. Arimitsu, S. Matsushita, A. Nakajima,
Ceram. Int., 49, 17348-17353 (2023).
Chemical Trends of Surface Reconstruction and Band Positions of Nonmetallic Perovskite Oxides from First Principles
Y. Mochizuki, H.-J. Sung, T. Gake, F. Oba
Chem. Mater. 35, 2047 (2023).
Decomposition of 2-naphthol in water and its antibacterial and antiviral activities by LaMnO3 and LaCoO3 in the dark
R. Kiribayashi, K. Sunada, Y. Mochizuki, T. Isobe, S. Matsushita, T. Nagai, H. Ishiguro, A. Nakajima,
J. Ceram. Soc.Jpn., 131 [5] 117-125 (2023). [selected as a cover image of the issue]
Chemical Aspect of Displacive-type Ferroaxial Phase Transition from Perspective of Second-Order Jahn-Teller Effect: NASICON Systems as an Example
T. Nagai, Y. Mochizuki, S. Yoshida, T. Kimura
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 145 8090 (2023).
Effect of aliovalent substitution on the crystal distortion and negative thermal expansion properties of Zr2SP2O12
R. Uehara, R. Kaneda, T. Takei, N. Kumada, S. Matsushita, A. Nakajima, T. Isobe,
Ceram. Int.,49[13], 22197-22203 (2023).
Antiviral and antifungal activities of tin molybdenum solid solution oxide prepared using mechanochemical processing
T. Sakai, K. Sunada, Y. Mochizuki, T. Isobe, S. Matsushita, T. Nagai, H. Ishiguro, A. Nakajima,
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 131 [8] 482-487 (2023). [selected as an “Editor’s choice”]
Decomposition of 2-naphthol in water and antiviral activity of CoOx modified (Ce0.8, Bi0.2-y, Lay) O2-δ in the dark
N. Kobayashi, K. Sunada, Y. Mochizuki, T. Isobe, S. Matsushita, T. Nagai, H. Ishiguro, A. Nakajima
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 131 [9] 590-594 (2023).
Superlattice MAX phases with A-layers reconstructed into 0D-clusters, 1D-chains, and 2D-lattices
M. Khazaei, S. Bae, R. Khaledialidusti, A. Ranjbar, H.-P. Komsa, S. Khazaei, M. Bagheri, V. Wang, Y. Mochizuki, M. Kawamura, G. Cuniberti, S. M. Allaei, K. Ohno, H. Hosono, H. Raebiger
J. Phys. Chem. C, 127, 14906 (2023).
"Chemical aspect of ferroaxial order: NASICON systems as a case study"
T. Nagai, Y. Mochizuki, S. Yoshida, T. Kimura -
The 4th International Symposium on Negative Thermal Expansion and Related Materials (ISNTE-4), 4-7 July 2023, Giove Convention Centre of the Best Western Plus Hotel Galileo, Padua, Italy
"Synthesis and properties of alpha-Zr2SP2O12 and related substances"[D3-5]
T. Isobe, Y. Hayakawa, Y. Adachi, R. Uehara, R. Kaneda, N. Arimitsu, Y. Mochizuki, A. Nakajima.
Sintering 2023, 27-31 August 2023, Gifu, Japan
“Densification of Zr2SP2O12 by cold sintering process” [1P-39]
T. Aburano, N. Arimitsu, Y. Mochizuki, S. Matsushita, A. Nakajima, T. Isobe -
JSAP Kyushu Chapter Annual Meeting 2023 / The 8th Asian Applied Physics Conference (Asian-APC), Nov. 25-26 2023, Hakata, Japan
"Temperature-Dependent Phonon-Frequency Change in NASICONs from Raman Spectroscopy Study and First Principles"
S. Ko, S. Bae, S. Yoon, Y. Mochizuki -
MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023 Grand Meeting, 11-16 December 2023, Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan
"Chemical Trends of Surface Reconstruction and Band Alignment for Nonmetallic Perovskite Oxides: A First-Principles Study"
Y. Mochizuki, H.-J. Sung, T. Gake, F. Oba -
MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023 Grand Meeting, 11-16 December 2023, Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan
"Antiviral and antibacterial activity of La2Sn2O7, Mg2SnO4 and MgSn(OH)6" [C3-P303-24]
R. Kiribayashi, K. Sunada, Y. Mochizuki, T. Isobe, T. Nagai, H. Ishiguro, A. Nakajima
MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023 Grand Meeting, 11-16 December 2023, Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan
"Mechanism of Negative Thermal Expansion in Monoclinic Cu2P2O7: A First-Principles Lattice-Dynamics Study" [F1-P204-34]
K. Nagamatsu, Y. Mochizuki, H. Koiso, T. Isobe, and A. Nakajima
MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023 Grand Meeting, 11-16 December 2023, Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan
"Thermal Expansion and Polymorphism of B(III)F3: A First-Principles Study"[F1-P204-33]
H. Koiso, Y. Mochizuki, S. Yoshida, T. Nagai, T. Isobe, and A. Nakajima
MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023 Grand Meeting, 11-16 December 2023, Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan
"First-Principles Lattice-Dynamics Calculations for Stable Surface Structure Exploration and Band Position of Diamond and Zincblende Structures"[A1-P304-03]
Y. Miyako, Y. Mochizuki, T. Isobe, and A. Nakajima
The 37th International Korea-Japan Seminar on Ceramics, 15-17 November 2023, konjiam resort, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
"Effect of sintering additives on fabrication of silica porous glass body"[D3-5]
S.H. Baek, T. Isobe, M. Inada.
A. Nakajima and M. Sakai
“Surface factors for static/dynamic hydrophobicity and their evaluation”
in “Handbook of Self-Cleaning Surfaces and Materials. From Fundamentals to Applications”
ed. A. Fujishima, H. Irie, X. Zhang, D. A. Tryk, ISBN: 978-3-527-33096-6, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, Vol.II, (2023). -
Preparation of the negative thermal expansion material Zr2SP2O12 and related materials
T. Isobe
J. Jpn. Soc. Colour Mater., 96, 137-140 (2023). -
Recent Topics on Materials with Negative Thermal Expansion Coefficients
T. Isobe
Journal of the Technical Association of Refractories, Japan, 43, 2-8 (2023).
2023年度 色材研究発表会 優秀ポスター賞
阿部 和也 さん
日本セラミックス協会 第36回秋季シンポジウム 特定セッション(先進的な構造科学と分析技術) 最優秀ポスター発表賞
永松 楓 さん
日本セラミックス協会 第36回秋季シンポジウム 特定セッション(先進的な構造科学と分析技術) 優秀講演賞
小磯 宏喜 さん
日本セラミックス協会 第36回秋季シンポジウム 特定セッション(次世代環境関連セラミックス材料の最前線) 奨励賞
中根 陸 さん
優秀賞:桐林 龍寿さん、本多 淑乃さん
奨励賞:永井 大暉さん、伊藤 俊輔さん -
2023年度 東工大挑戦的研究賞
望月 泰英 助教
日本セラミックス協会 2023年年会 優秀ポスター発表賞
小磯 宏喜 さん
第32回日本MRS年次大会 奨励賞
望月 泰英 助教
第21回 「日本ボタン大賞コンクール」優秀賞
MISSING LINK(甲賀ゆうこさん、安井伸太郎先生、磯部敏宏先生、吉川英見さん)